Ages 5+

Fundamental focused and IQ driven. Our goal is for our athletes to learn the right way to execute basketball skills, compete in a positive way and learn from their setbacks. As we progress through higher levels and start to combine skills, it is vital that our athletes understand WHY they are doing these skills in order for them to be able to transfer them into real game situations.

basketball classes

Summer Session


Tuesday & Thursday 4:15-5pm – (Ages 4-7)
Session I / July 9-July 25th
Woodtree Park
Register Now

Tuesday & Thursday 5pm-6pm – (Ages 8-11)
Session I / July 9-July 25th
Woodtree Park
Register Now

Tuesday & Thursday 4:15pm-5pm – (Ages 4-7)
Session II / July 30-Aug 15th
Woodtree Park
Register Now

Tuesday & Thursday 5pm-6pm – (Ages 8-11)
Session II / July 30-Aug 15th
Woodtree Park
Register Now

Long Island City

Wednesdays 4:15pm-5pm – (Ages 4-7)
July 9-August 14th
Murray Park
Register Now

Wednesdays 5pm-6pm – (Ages 8-11)
July 9-August 14th
Murray Park
Register Now

Saturdays 9:15am-10am – (Ages 4-7)
July 9-August 14th
Murray Park
Register Now

Saturdays 10am-11am – (Ages 8-11)
July 9-August 14th
Murray Park
Register Now

Fall Session


Interested in one on one sessions? Let us know!

basketball classes

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